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a interesting idea, i have played it and enjoyed it alot, sometimes goofy def the cloud person, tho i was hoping to be a villain aswell and choose your own victim ( i would again be weird and choose the cloud and bother the rest with her abilities i guess) but for the rest, you keep on making good things man fan of all your works! i might have not found things yet cause i have only been playing it since yesterday

Hay! I'm fellow developer! How on the earth you manage to add your logo in the white bar in the upper left corner?? I spend entire morning to figure it out! Where I can change it, in witch css or html file? Thanks, that would help me a lot!

It looks like I'm using a different engine than you, so unfortunately I don't know the answer for that.

Ok. Witch one? Thanks:)

I use Stencyl

Not a bad game! I have my critiques of the systems (sometimes it felt really hard to figure out when to actually use the prompts during the debates, and the agree button only being used twice (and both in the same debate) feels like a bit of a wasted opportunity), but I think it was overall functional enough! The second debate was probably the most egregious of them: I knew where I needed to go, but it was hard to figure out where or when exactly to press things when it came to successfully navigating that debate. I also think that we could just do away with previously presented evidence, and maybe remove a thing or two from the evidence screen entirely: the mana chamber evidence doesn't need to be there at all, Misty's wake-up call is wholly irrelevant, and the ones about the fake light and there being nothingness outside are total fluff, for instance. I get the idea that you want evidence there that might throw you off, but I think there's a distinct difference between "misdirection" and "clutter". The Anne defense trial stumped me for a while purely because what I needed to continue was literally at the very bottom of the list, which had something like 30 items I had to scroll past first.

In terms of writing: I think your writing is pretty good! I always prefer more character-driven writing and character agency when it comes to mind control themes, and it's something you delivered with this. 

There's also a few bugs or details that I figured I should mention, since they're present in the updated version:

  • The secret room behind the throne is now just completely white for me. All of the buttons and prompts show up and work fine, but that room specifically is just a white void for some reason. The background does show up properly in dialogue, just not when you're exploring.
  • I feel like when Miranda submits at the end of her trial, the portrait should've changed to her glassy-eyed one like everyone else's. She remains in her previous portrait for both the Anne and Miranda playthroughs.
  • I couldn't access Miranda Mode for the longest time: I would switch modes in the menu, but when I hit "play" on an empty save file it would switch the portraits and then start playing Anne's story. I figured out that if I instead hit the "new" button on an existing save file, that would actually let me access Miranda Mode properly. I'm sure that's unintended behavior, right?

And that's about it! Not a bad game, and I'm interested in seeing some of your other projects in the future!

Thanks. I think I am learning a fair bit from feedback on this project so I can try to polish up the mechanics if I do another game in this style.

I did upload a fix for the white screen earlier today in case you downloaded it before the fix. I'll take a look at Miranda's trial to see if I missed the expression change. 

For starting Miranda mode, it might be a matter of my making the buttons unclear. The play button serves as a load button. So, it loads the game currently in that slot. Sorry about the confusion there. ^__^;

man we really need a walkthrough/hint system enabled for Villain Mode cause wow they are *hard*

I've added a link to a walkthrough to this game page, which includes the villain mode trials.

(1 edit)

Good idea of the game, but a got a bug where I can't start a game as Miranda. When I change mode and start new game, it just transfers me back to Anne

Someone else also mentioned having confusion about this. You need to click the "new" button, rather than the "play" button to start a new game as Miranda. Sorry about the confusion.

I enjoyed this overall.  A few comments/suggestions;

1.  The hint system should still be usable in Villain Mode.

2.  Related, we need a walkthrough.

3.  Raven's villain end CG should have featured Dominya.  Just sayin'

Keep up the good work!

I did write a walkthrough, I must have forgotten to link it in the description of the game, I'll add the link to the walkthrough when I upload the bug fix I need to take care of today.

Deleted 9 days ago

Sorry about that. I  made an atlas to reduce the memory usage of the game further, but must have forgotten to allow that scene to access the background. I'll get it fixed today.

Will this ever come to steam?

I don't currently plan on releasing it on steam. Steam is really inconvenient to set up a storefront for... It took me two months to get the storefront for spiral clicker 2 approved...

The secret room where we find Silvia and Eliza at the start of the second trial is a completely white screen, except when talking to someone there. Is that a known problem?

That is a new problem, sorry. I must have done something wrong while adding a new atlas to reduce memory usage. I'll upload a fix for that today.

kinda reminds me of a hypno version of danganronpa.

Great Game, feels like NSFW Cluedo

Thanks :)

Plot sounds fire but I wonder how it's executed

I keep getting crashes during the 4th trial after Anne says "She kept talking about an audience". I have no idea why but it seems I'm soft-locked.

I just uploaded a fix that might reduce the chances of the game crashing  during  trials. Could you see if that works for you? 

Everytime I submit the evidence of raven's diary mentioning an audience, game crashes.  Reinstalled, redid everything up to that point, second I do that to progress, crashes without fail

(1 edit)

It activates my anti-virus every time at the same spot post-update. If I turn it off it still crashes.

If it's activating your anti-virus it might be that your anti-virus quarantined a file the game needs at that point. You might need to check your anti-virus's log after extracting the game to see if it has quarantined anything.

If that doesn't work, does it crash when pressing submit, mid-screen transition, or at some point after returning to the trial scene? I'm not seeing any errors in the code so far, but usually a memory related crash wouldn't happen so consistently in the same spot...

For me it's not an antivirus thing, its I submit the evidence, go through the dialogue, loads to where Anne says "Anyway her diary mentioned there being an audience" and then promptly crashes. Doesn't start to transition to the next dialogue or anything either.

That is very strange...  There is no unique code running on that line. So, it seems like it must be memory-related. But Anne and Eliza both are loaded earlier in the scene so any  increase in memory usage on that line would be small. I'll work on  seeing if I can reduce the memory load further.

Oh I had one other thought. Are you playing windowed, or are you forcing it into full screen via alt+Enter? If you are forcing it into full screen, you might get a lower memory load by playing in windowed. Full screen uses larger resolution images, which take more memory.

(2 edits)

The game is filled with something called 'Noise'. It puts more in-front of you than you need and you need to sift through the Noise to find the correct answers. Many of the Investigations are also oddly phrase with their answers-as sometimes you have to OBJECT to Statements that Characters KNOW are truthful, which makes no sense, but the AGREE button doesn't work in those instances, and neither does Presenting Evidence.
These are problems that persist throughout the ENTIRE game. Quite frankly, its a well-written, but poorly designed Puzzle Game which is less logical thinking and more general Guessing. The only reason I bought the full version in the first place is because I know the Authors can make good quality products, and just failed to in this instance. The CGs are also disappointing, and there's less MC content then a game called 'Mindwipe Castle' would have, one would think. If I were to compare it to other MC games that are currently on Steam, selling for the same price (or less in some cases), it'd be a solid 5/10 in terms of Overall Quality and Quantity of Content in terms of Price. The works of Azurezero and 072 Project vary greatly in price, some even being double this games 7.50$, but giving quite literally double or triple the product. Even the games from Azurezero-which are all 11$ are lower have more content, more interactive gameplay, and have more lively, visually stimulating art.

This Game, in my opinion, is worth 5$. And that's me being Generous, as due to an error on the Developers part-you can access nearly every CG, without context, just by opening the Full Versions Graphic Files. Now, consider for a moment, why we're all playing and paying. For the CGs, right? But not the Bare-Minimum MC content, nor the mediocre gameplay and certainly not that bad game design elements with buggy navigation, poorly done "Villain Mode" which breaks every rule of the Base Games Gameplay Loop, and don't get me started on playing as Miranda-which is where you click the the entire story...and get a single extra CG at the end of four pairs of tits.

This game is disappointing in comparison to my expectations, other games on the Market, and the Standard of Quality I expected from somebody who makes their whole business about this kind of content.

Sorry to hear the game disappointed you. ^__^; This was my first attempt at a mystery genre game.  To address some of your criticisms:

1: For times when you object to truthful statements, I don't recall any of them off the top of my head. I do have autism, so it *may* be a case where my interpretation of a sentence differs from average people. So if you can elaborate on which lines this happens on I can try to fix them.

2:  Regarding the amount of MC content, I did find it difficult to arrange extra mind control without it interfering with the pacing of the mystery. This may be an issue with my inexperience with the mystery genre. I tried to include a few extra instances of mind control beyond the trials though, such as Anne getting possessed and Olivia being charmed. 

3:  What kind of buggy navigation did you have? I can try to work on fixing any issues you've found.

4: Villain mode does break the established norms of trials, but my thinking there was that playing as the villain, your goals are different from the investigators. So, you wouldn't be playing exactly like the investigators.

5: Miranda mode has more than just the one new CG at the end. There are four new CGs throughout her version of the story in addition to the ending. You mentioned clicking through it so its possible you missed them?

I can't make any radical changes to the story, such as adding new scenes at this point, but I am definitely open to fixing any bugs or logic errors that I may have made due to being just one person. Thanks for the feedback, I hope you are willing to elaborate on the issues that need to be fixed so I can look into them.

(1 edit)

Okay-I did not expect that to happen.  You had a normal, not rage induced reaction. Alrighty then!

I wasn't aware this was your *first* Mystery Game-that was my error, I shouldn't hold that against you-lord knows my first coding modules were horseshit when I was getting into the hobby.

1: The First Case is clean of it. The Second Case-when Miranda mentions not seeing Silvia's Clothes anywhere-that is a Truthful statement, it makes no logical sense to object to it because that was the Truth in every case, to Anne and Miranda. It should have a "Yes But-" of some kind or not be considered at all in terms of the Gameplay. That is-by my four hours of gameplay-the one and only inconsistency, I made it sound much worse than it was, my apologies.

2.  Pacing is definitely an issue-but a solution this would be, in future projects because you obviously can't massively overhaul this game overnight for this: Have *two* days between assaults. One where the Villain strikes, and the next day when its discovered, either via announcement or character, that something happened. That way you can have one day for just a little bit extra entertainment, character interaction, putting in pieces of the larger plot, etc.

3. The Perspectives in the hall ways can switch, sometimes the arrows would not register mouse movement above them. During the Miranda Mode, navigation in the bedroom area breaks-its arrows, and state, switch between Mirandas and Annes, changing which Rooms you have access to and what NPCs are there every time you enter the room, causing you to have to double back in order to interact with the single NPC.

4. Yes-playing different is one thing. Samantha's trial is the exact OPPOSITE of Annes trial, with a new perspective, and gameplay goal-but the general gameplay is still consistent. For Mirandas-you don't need to lower confidence significantly and can still win. Holis-lose. You just need to spam the wrong option until you lose. And that means you win. Ravens is the same as Samantha, but quite a bit harder-which is fine, its expected as the fourth Case. Mirandas is misleading in terms of Goalpost, and Holis makes Losing the Win Condition. Samantha's and Ravens were fun puzzles to figure out. Holis should be harder than 'Spam wrong button on first frame'. Mirandas should've been more complex.

5.  The CGs I 'missed' were all Visuals of things that were described to us or happened off-screen and was later explained. Miranda being Bitten, Miranda switching outfits, and luring Silvia are all Non-Significant and the events they are Visually displaying are explained Verbally. They could've been injected between the text blocks during or trial, or the text and images displayed at the same time in the Main Game, and nothing would change, nothing special is particularly described in them. They are Non-Significant CGs and I should've clarified that prior to the complaint.

Oh also-tiny bug. The Villain Mode check boxes are bugged-when I completed Miranda's, the game said I completed Ravens As well. That means you have a Flag tripping somewhere it shouldn't or just a random bug occured.

Yeah, some people take any criticism very personally... It can sting to get negative feedback, but I try to use it as a learning opportunity and not get too defensive. 

1: I'll take a look at that trial. My thinking was that you object because you're questioning the detail, but agree may be more accurate in that moment. 

2: Yeah, I think I went the opposite direction. I tried to make the villain attacks fairly close together to avoid having pointless filler. Same goal, kinda, but completely different methods. I can try spreading things out more in the future if I do another game in this genre.

3: Do you happen to recall when Miranda's bedroom turns into Anne's by accident? I likely have an incorrect pointer somewhere in there which shouldn't be too hard to fix. I'm not clear on what you mean by perspectives flipping though. Do you mean the stairs by chance? Those have a different appearance depending on if you are climbing up or down.

4: My idea for the villains was to give them unique ways to win depending on the villain. Samantha and Raven wearing down the group's patience by wasting their time fits  each of their personalities, Miranda "solving the case" while pinning her target fits her being a detective, and Holi I thought losing on purpose would be an interesting twist, but then also worried that it would be too obtuse and so might have made it too obvious by making her mention that win condition out loud? Or it could just be a case of "interesting does not always equal good". unfortunately it seems like with the mystery genre, its harder for me to tell what will come across well to the player, since I cannot know what it's like to someone who doesn't know the answers in advance.

5: Yeah, the CGs in Miranda Mode are not "essential" in that sense. My intention with Miranda Mode was to show some of what's happening behind the scenes where Anne would not be able to see herself. Then I tried to add in some extra CGs to those moments to avoid it being only text. Its possible I over-estimated how much people would be interested in seeing those extra details though. ^__^;

3. Miranda's Room Access would flip any time I entered the Room. Whether I went from Mirandas Room to Sleeping Area, or from the Dining Hall Entrance to the Sleeping Area, it would flip between Mirandas and Annes version.

4. Okay I get it now-its definitely a case of interesting not being good.

5. Honestly, games like Danganronpa are great in this Genre-I'd look into them more if you pursue interest in this type of game again, which you totally could. Having a rotating cast of characters in a series of Mystery Puzzle games that are, in-fact, Political Ploys and/or Entertainment for the masses would be nice-and I'm not just saying that cause Danganronpa is basically a Dead Series at this point, nope, not at all. 


I found an issue with that. Miranda's room was exiting to the main story version of the dorm hall rather than Miranda's version. I have a fix for that uploaded now.

I have seen a playthrough of danganronpa, and I think the style of debate in this game is vaguely similar (though not as involved, mechanically). I probably should give it a closer look before making another attempt in this genre. Probably will be a little while before my next attempt as art assets take some time to put together.

(1 edit)

just bought the game and trying to do the first trial... the Agree and Object Button seem to do the same thing (That is on Agree i also get the "This isn't right!" graphic). Also i cant seem to enter any evidence. This is either terribly explained or bugged.

After activating hints i managed to do the trial, but without hints i would have never been able to do so. the points at which you're supposed to press the buttons were totally unintuitive to me.

Also it wasn't clear that the "this isn't right" Graphic flashing when i pressed "agree" was actually telling me that this was simply the wrong move. Maybe use a different Graphic for that instance. Or a bit more in-depth of a tutorial, with samples of how correct and incorrect actions are supposed to look like.

Now that i finished the trial thanks to cheating i understand it enough to do the rest on my own i think.

I will take a look at the graphic and see if I can do something to make the difference between the object and fail graphics more clear.  I can also extend the tutorial to include those graphics

To submit evidence, you need to click the evidence button in the center of the interface for scrolling through the evidence options. I can edit it to say something like "Submit" instead if that will help make it more clear.

Hey, it seems fun, but I've been having some crashes. It's full version, not the demo.

These crashes happen randomly, during the dialog. It happens quite often.

Once, I had no fonts, ie. the boxes were blank, the new evidence window was also blank (but it had the icon). No idea if it's related.

That is very strange. I can work on trying to optimize the memory a bit more in case it's a memory related issue, but I haven't seen those issues come up in testing. Sorry that it's doing that to you...

Not sure if it's memory related, as I have 32 GB of RAM and 16GB of VRAM, so I'd think it's enough.

But I didn't find any error log files in the game's directory. Are they saved somewhere else?

For memory related crashes, it's a bit weird. Its not related to how much memory your computer has, but rather how much memory your computer arbitrarily gives to the game. I don't know why, but some computers assign less memory to the  game than most others, even if they have a lot of memory available, and then the program is closed if the memory usage exceeds what is allowed.

The game does not generate log files when run as a standalone. Though, if you find a crash occurring in the same spot consistently, then it wouldn't be a memory issue and I can look into why that crash is happening if you let me know where it is. I did upload a few optimizations since your last reply to further reduce the memory load of the game so hopefully the newest version will be more stable for you.

Ok, on the second case "spoiler":

i go to the place behind the throne and find miranda but i can't talk to her. I click on her icon but nothing happens.

Weird... Some code undid it's self. The demo should end at the end of the first trial. The icon isn't working because the scene it links to isn't in the demo. I'll upload a fix for that so the demo concludes properly.


Ok, I downloaded the demo and it looks promising. Except one thing: that red letters on the blue background burned out my eyes. You really should select a different color.

I will give it another look and see what alternate color might work better.

I just uploaded a change that turns actions to a silver color instead, if you are up for giving your opinion on how that works.

Much better, thank you

No problem, I just got used to the fact that there was no download button. But now I know, thanks for the quick response. I wish everyone a nice weekend
One question is where is the download link for the game because it says that it was released yesterday and so far I can pay the 7 euros somewhere or buy the game, there is a button for it on this page

Sorry, I must have messed up the release date. I intended to release it at the end of this month. Currently the game is 98% complete, waiting on just one more CG to slot in and it'll be done.

Needless to say I'm excited 

seems interesting, i will be keeping an eye on this.


Looks interesting will it be mobile.

Seems like a lot of fun

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Can this be played on mobile? 


Sounds like fun!

Will it be replayable, or might it feel repetitive as you replay?

I heard on the discord NG+ will have you starting as a different character 






360 no scope
