A downloadable game for Windows

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 Play as Fawn on her quest to become a Hero so that she can impress and seduce the world's heroes. Use your whip to take down foes, glide past enemy attacks, and transform to explore the world to it's fullest.

The current version includes three heroes; two of which join the harem, four forms for Fawn to take, and four areas for Fawn to explore.

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it's a shame the game has potential but I have a bug that comes back all the time and it ended up frustrating me: I often take damage for no reason especially from the first boss, we do not have much life and I can not pass it

(2 edits) (+4)

Bro forget 5 stars you made a legend of an hgame. I'm rating this game 10/10. Id like if you could make similar games my guy 💪💪

Edit: i found 2 problems so far (don't know if i should call them glitches) when i am about to battle the mage girl and the vanpire in that house that looks abandoned, they disappear and i can't continue the game. I have to literally exit/close the game and reload my save file. And also if possible could you maybe add like a save button for when you are to far from the bar please? And an android version if you would. Thanks

you right! this game is excellent, and we really need that save, gosh. My game just crashed twice and I was 30 minutes in without ways to save it :')


I've been working on some things to make the game more stable in the new version I'm working on. Its starting to get close to being done with the new version. I have a handful of cutscenes left to make, and half of a dungeon to finish designing.

One of the changes in the new version will be some quick travel rifts that are easier to put into more locations than the current system of having small buildings that lead to the guild.

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not enough sex played for a hour and there isnt any lame

I wanted to report this, but I am unsure why this happens. For some reason, the mansion witch fight never begins. It may have been because I tried entering with different forms and nothing changes except the dialogue. I'm not sure, but it also could have been that I had unlocked the octopus power up without adancing in the story.

I think it may be she just despawns inmediately because I can see her sprites while you're talking but the second the dialogue ends she dissapears. The health bar does appear, though.

That is the first time I've heard that bug in particular. I'll try to look into figuring out what could be causing it.


Hey, Changer what be going on with the live updates on the blogspot? last update there was 2/23/23.

Yeah, I started the live updates, added a couple new areas, but then hit a dead end because I realized that an asset I needed to continue was missing. So, I had to commission it and wait for the artist to draw it. Pixel art, sadly, takes a long time to do.

Also just found a bug i believe, when i got the mansion and viewing the scenes with the different transformations so far, the octopus girl transformation was unlocked

Yeah... Sometimes I accidentally leave test code in. I need to go through and fix that where I can before the next version... Sorry about that.

Just started playing the game a bit, really like the concept, but i think the controllers may need some improvement

Used a game controller and when dashing i would need to hold the left or right button again otherwise it would stand in place

The heavy knight armor form feels weird when attacking, and just my opinion a bit akward how she moves, i know is in development but if you can after defeating an enemy it could be a good idea to add a scene where she absorbs/obtain the new form, the argument of how she obtains it feels hollow

Other than that i really like the concept of the game


Thanks. I am working on polishing the feel of the controls. I've done a fair bit of tweaking since this version, hopefully it will feel less awkward when the next version is ready to release.

Will there be  anew version at some point? I really love this game, and I'd love to see it continue.

Sorry for the slow reply; itchio seems to only tell me I got a comment occasionally. I am working on the next version; its a bit slow as getting good pixel art takes a lot of time.

I can't wait!

How to get to the mansion?

(1 edit)

In the underwater level if you press up and right continously after being hit by the large cannon ball your character glitches off screen and ends up being stuck in the wall/ceiling. 

Also, when you respawn in the underwater level the third cannon is bugged. The door behind it is closed but you can't interact with the cannon again

I just got past Coralina's scene quest and she's back at the mansion. Is there anything after that point? I can't really find any way to progress from here.

In this version, Coraline is the last objective.

for some reason the game doesn't start can anyone help?

What kind of issue are you having specifically?

Cheats? trainers?

Is there any way to import it to android?

I don't think it would be feasible to play the game on a touch screen, since it is a platformer with a lot of inputs.

I defeated leviathan, is the game over after that?

Yeah, there are some scenes in the hero's guild and manor with Coraline, but the Leviathan is the last challenge in the game.


Any idea on the release date on Steam, Hypno?

I thoroughly enjoyed the demo, and am looking forward to getting it properly!

I'm not sure yet; its going to largely depend on how long it takes to get the art assets to fill out the rest of the areas in the game.

Understandable. It's on my Wishlist, at least. :)

I got stuck in the water area when running backwards from the door in the forest that leads to the mansion when I jumped down as a paladin after breaking the wall in the cliff because I couldnt transform.

It seems the climbing glitch is triggered by entering the room where you have the choice to do (presumably) the air "seal" and the fire "seal".

Any updates on the thief climbing bug fix?
I seemed to experience it right after flipping the fire seal and dying and I saved so without an update it seems I'd have to start a new save and I really don't want to do that

(1 edit)

After I beat the Lucy my thief lost her ability to climb. She was able to climb in the mansion before the fight but not after. I tried closing the game and reopening it and going somewhere that I know that I've climbed before, but it still doesn't work

I started a new game and played until I got the Thief. My Thief in the 2nd save can climb. I saved it and tried my 1st save and that one still can't climb

If you used the most recently uploaded version then the fix I uploaded last didn't work... Sorry about that. I'll try to come up with another fix.

It's been a few months since I've played. So last night I updated it to try it out. So it should of been the most resent update.  But I did use my old save that ended right after saving the lords daughter.

(1 edit) (+2)

Bug report. Sometimes the thief clime ability disappears. The only fix is to reload a save. If you save after it disappears then it's permanent for that save. It seems to happen the most when you first clime at the three seals

Second Bug report. You get the Scylla Form after you get the mansion instead of talking to Coraline

Third Bug report. If you go back to the ship after beating it you can't exit it after a certain section

which section do you get stuck in?

One of the areas you need a canon to blast through. Seems the door got fixed for some reason. I tried climbing the way back but once I reach the top nothing happens. Wanted to kill some skeletons to unlock there CG's 

I downloaded the game but I just get a black screen, it won't load fully, am I doing something wrong? :(

(1 edit)

Is it possible to get the lost soul on the roof of the bar? Also sometimes the rogue transformation loses the ability to wall jump for no reason sometimes


you can get the soul over the bar with the thief form. I am not sure why that form still is losing wall jumping sometimes... I added extra checks to stop that from happening this update...

It only happens after changing into the thief from any of the other forms


I just uploaded a fix attempt. It seems like switching form into thief does not cause it with this new fix. At least with my local testing... Not 100% confident though as this bug has been rather stubborn and slippery for a while now.


Created an account just to give you a bit more info on this bug i encountered it twice and both times it happened when a level transition happened while wall jumping with the theif.


it also must be saved in the code somewhere cause when it happens it completley screws that save file if you save after it happens. cause of this i have lost 20 mins of progress so i hope this info helps eleminate the bug

I have a question, hopefully this is the right thread. In the haunted mansion, I am stuck at the "fire seal" lever; I can't get back out of the room. I apparently don't fit going out the way I came in, and there aren't any other places to go. Am I supposed to do something with the fires? I can't seem to figure it out, not sure if it's me or if there's a bug.

Thanks, great game so far! 

You should be able to fit in the way you entered, it may be possible though that you are mis-aiming the jump height to get in. It might help to try jumping in from a few different angles to see if it works out better.

Is this lesbian only content?

It is not lesbian only; though, Grant's sex scene is harder to get. I do have three male heroes planned so far though.

I played the game and I have a few notes.

1) The movement is a little sticky. It needs a 10% improvement imo.

2) Is there a way to skip/speed up dialog? Especially before boss fights.

3) I wish you could refill your health when you save your game rather than having to spam potions.

4) Is there an end to the demo? I locked the undead in the closet and there's a cliff to fall off of but not much else.

I'm also curious how you get those two CGs shown here (Alranune and Bandit).

Might be worth putting a version number on the downloadable file too.

I did get a bug of sorts. Do you have a report section?


One more question: are all the sex scenes lesbian/yuri?

Sorry for the slow reply, missed the notification it seems. 

1:  In the next version I added a bit of improvement to movement and made the dash quicker. hopefully that helps make movement feel better.

2: I don't have a skip button currently, I will look into that though. 

3:  I am going to add some ways to restore health on events, probably when doing sex scenes at Fawn's new home to match the theme of sex being  her 'food'. 

4: There is no end to the demo so that you can do the repeatable sex scenes at your leisure, but there is no further content in this version after Necron. 

I don't have a specific bug report session but feel free to share any bugs.

Most of the sex scenes currently are yuri, but there are currently three male heroes planned so it will balance out to 4 female and 3 male characters Fawn can have sex with so far.

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I can't remember what the bug was.


so I have downloaded version 0.3 and have run into a bug I am at the last part of the mansion doing the three doors and all of a sudden my rouge can no wall jump

Question, will this be the full eventual release? IE, I pay for it now and I don't need to worry about Steam.

The newest version seems to be bugged.  When I try to open the game it opens a window for two seconds, then crashes and closes.  Is there anything that can be done to fix this?


That is unusual. Sounds like the game is crashing for you. Two main causes I can think of would be not having enough ram to run the game, which is unlikely, or the extraction messed up and corrupted a file.


I think it was improperly extracted.  I unzipped the file again and it's working.  Thank you for the help, and the game.

(2 edits)

Well, I don't know about everyone else but I'm stuck in the haunted mansion.  Either I need to learn a way to duck/get-smaller or else I've got to find a way to get higher than Fawn's double-jump.

Note for Hypno: The one-liners get old fast.  Really might want to make them a random chance, like 25% or something.

In that room, the thief can cling to the walls that have vegetation growing on them. I did reduce the chances of one liners, might need to reduce the odds further.

This update came out of nowhere! I like the reworks to the old stuff including Fawn's new voice, and the new stuff looks great too, although I haven't beaten Lucy yet. I did notice that sometimes Paladin Form uses the old voice though.

Yeah, I might have missed a spot or two with the voice changes, I'll look them over again. Thanks :)


Will you release the full game here? I don't buy adult games on steam,and I noticed a trend here on Itch.lo Where people release the demos on their hentai/Eroge here on itch.lo. But well then release the full game on steam.


Yeah I'll have a release here that's the full game. I know a lot of people who don't play h-games on steam because steam loudly announces whatever you are playing to your friends and won't let you turn it off.


Not just that, it also nice for people who can't buy it on Steam due to it being blocked there.

I just don't like how steam treats Eroge/Porn games developers. I rather support platforms like Itch.lo,Dlsites,Nutaku,etc.... They embrace Eroge/porn game  with open arms. While steam was force to from customers backlash when they were denying Eroge/porn game dev. From launching their games their. 


abandonned ?


Nope, Its in active development on Patreon

What are the controls to get to the pause menu so I can save?

Only place you can save is at the bar when talking to the waitress.

How do I save my Progress?

(2 edits) (+1)

I found a bug. You can have sex with the waitress even if you don't have 500 gold, by just moving the menu cursor down to the blank space where the option would otherwise appear. Doing so gives you negative gold.

Also, just a small QoL change I'd suggest - make the enemy drops appear instantly, instead of having them appear after their corpse fades away. This makes it so that you can walk over enemies while killing them to instantly pick up the drops.

Also the voice gets annoying for every single kill, maybe have it play on a 25% chance?

I say a better option would be to leave the voice as is and just have a menu option that allows a player to change how often the voice plays for kills.


is this game still getting developed? the demo has been 10/10 in terms of both story and gameplay. even if its not actively being updated it would be nice knowing that at some point down the line there will be a bigger story. huge fan of all your games btw


Yeah, the game is still being developed. I will have a new update in the next month or two with a new area, two new bosses, and a new form.

i am very confused, how do i get into the cave? the only way i can think of is blocked off, and i feel like it's very easy i'm just missing something somewhere.


Hold the down key and then press jump

omg i'm dumb

I freaking love this game.  The gameplay is pretty good, I like the changing of the forms and how they are all useful for something.  The sprites and portait/CG art is terrific, and the writing is pretty good, too.  I look forward to more of this.

(1 edit)

So far so good, it's fun, the gameplay of the knight form is a bit off imo, but might just be me lol. Would make it a bit less text-extended, just a tiny little bit, and would love to get some monster-f***ing scenes, not gonna lie uwu

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