Another delay, unfortunately.

Hello everyone.

I'm really sorry to have to deliver more bad news. There will unfortunately have to be another delay for the game. I don't want to leave you all with nothing for so long, so I'll release the demo on the game's release date still, even if the larger version is not ready for sale yet.

The friend I mentioned trying to help me with the project is okay, but it seems they mostly lost motivation after getting sick and recovering and I guess that's why they hadn't messaged me in so long.

In the interum, Shades helped me find a programmer to help take over the programming and streamline the project to be easier for me to manage. Unfortunately, they just messaged me to let me know that the project has turned out to be outside of their skill level.

They wanted to say a few words about it, so I'll copy-paste their message below

"Hey, this is Detective Spooky from Shady Corner and Ten Pennyfingers.

Changer hired me on as a programmer on Spiral Clicker 2 during a desperate stage of finishing my current projects- he took a chance on me and I'm ashamed to say it didn't pay off. I was picking up the slack from the previous coder, someone significantly more versed in Unity than I currently am, and I felt as though grit and determination could guide me through the process. In doing so, I led on Changer (and by extension his audience). The work, however, got harder- not easier- and I began to realize that the work I had done on the project could not be kept as it was not implementing itself properly into the save system.

I had a choice to either keep leading on Changer or to come clean that the project had now hit a definite stand-still and would not be reaching its stated goal.

I accept full responsibility for the delay on Spiral Clicker 2. I should not have taken on a project where I had even the slightest inclination that I would be unable to finish the work assigned to me and I would like to personally apologize for that. I've caused a delay in the game and I have caused further strain on both the finances and the patience of its paying supporters. I'm sorry to have done it and I only ask that you not blame Changer for having taken a chance on someone who promised results and failed him, not the other way around. Please feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions or would like to speak to me personally about the disruption.

Thank you for listening and thank you for continuing to support Spiral Clicker 2. "

Anyways, I'm very sorry about the repeated delays, I know that is always a very bad sign... I am trying to do my best for you all, and I'm sorry I'm not being as consistent as I normally am. As I said before, I will at least release the demo for free so you can at least play something after waiting so long.

Thank you for your support, and I'll work on trying to find a more experienced programmer, specifically someone with more Unity experience in particular, to take on the project. For now, I'm going to put the release date a lot further out since I'm not sure how long it will be until I find someone.


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Where can i download this demo version?


I'll be posting the demo at the end of the month.


Game dev is tough and it is often impossible to foresee how things are gonna go wildly out of control. Best of luck!


Will you be working with people on their custom characters while the search for a new programmer is happening?

This sucks, but it happens. Hope you (and we!) get some better news soon.

Yeah, I am going to be continuing to get the cameo art assets and dialogues done in the meantime, so the update will be bigger when it does  arrive.

I understand that game development is difficult and delays happen, but what I don't understand is why you announced a new game (Mindwipe Castle) even though you had to have already known that you were going to need to delay Spiral Clicker 2 to again.


I didn't know we would have to delay at the time. At the time I set up the page for Mindwipe Castle, I still believed the programming was going smoothly for this project.  I only found out about this the day before yesterday. Our target was to have the new version ready on the 20th so we could have a couple days to test it, then do the patron release, and then the public release on schedule.

Mindwipe Castle will not be affected by this, as it's something I'm personally programming and was not something that  Spooky was working on.


Game dev is really hard, huh


All good


don't worry bro, we will wait. we let you cook