Demo Released

Hey everyone! 

As I said earlier, I'm releasing the demo for the game now. Assuming I understand the interface correctly, I believe the game should not yet be up for sale, as I don't think the amount of content in the demo is worth the game's price and I don't want anyone to feel disappointed. The demo includes both the worship and conquest modes, and has five girls to collect with each of their full stories and the story for Helen's realm.

Thank you all for your patience. I am currently talking with a programmer with more unity experience about getting the character adding process streamlined. I'm not sure how long it will take yet, so I don't want to give another deadline, but I can say for sure that I am still actively writing the new content and getting art assets for it, so once I have the programming solved, we should have a pretty big update on it's way.


Spiral Clicker 2 Beta.rar 203 MB
42 days ago


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will there be an android version? I would have liked to get the game too :D

(3 edits)

Edit: I originally posted a review of the demo here, but moved it to the community posts to save room, and also because I've been editing it to add more to it.

Will progress carry over to the full release?


I only really have one complaint, and that's the portal region. It feels pretty slow.

The only thing I would like is if the orbs would flow into a currency counter in this area, just so it feels a little more satisfying to collect them. This would probably also make it feel a little less slow.

Other than that, the game is all around well done - especially for a first demo. I hope you don't experience any more delays in production, take breaks as needed!

Will the people who supported to indiegogo get access to this demo as well or wait until full release?

I emailed it out to indiegogo supporters already. Sometimes emails can get lost, so if you backed it and didn't get the email, send me an email at from the same email you pledged from and I can send you the link.

I found the email for some reason it was marked as spam. Thank you for the quick reply.

Yeah, sometimes when a lot of emails are sent out, they get flagged as spam. ^__^;

The demo is exactly what said just 5 characters, game is well made though. I think when it is finish it will be a good sequel

Woooooooo thats what we waited for, thank you