When you update the game next, please tweak the Elf Kingdom so it shows a recommended pearl amount for the next character, preferably before you take them on. At least have Helen tell you that your strength is based on current pearl count BEFORE losing to the gatekeeper and getting a sore arm in real life from clicking so much. I'd also like some sort of in-game hint as to how to unlock the Elf Kingdom because the current method is kinda unintuitive (no one needed to be over level 180 for anything except to unlock their bonus CGs).
There should also be clearer hints for how to defeat them. For example, "keep moving up the stairs" doesn't translate to "keep moving the mouse around the screen," especially since there's no visual for whether or not you're doing the right thing like there is for the gatekeeper (the stair animation keeps happening regardless). Plus, mouse movement was never needed before this point (only clicking was needed), making it extra unintuitive that this is the opposite.
P.S. A few summons don't have female-player variants for their CGs (such as Kass and Sonia), or if they do, they don't display in place of the male-player variants. If it's the former, I can wait. EDIT: Okay, I checked the graphics folder, and Sonia's 5th CG's female variant is there, so it not displaying is a game-side issue. Kass's 5th CG doesn't appear to have a female-variant yet, though, so I'll just have to wait for that one.
Two more Windows bugs: unlike every most other characters, the "time traveler" doesn't have *any* dialogue after the initial summon; increasing her level only unlocked the CGs by themselves, even when I got the fifth one. EDIT: same goes for several other summons, and the space pirate stops having dialogue after her 3rd CG (even her 4th/5th CGs don't unlock, even after unlocking her 6th CG--even after reaching level 600!) until reaching a certain point in the game, so maybe have the summons themselves progression-locked instead? It would help with other summons as well, like preventing getting the Noir detective before reaching the countryside.
Also, this cutscene for DH has the "Null" line superimposed on each sentence, making them hard to read. I also suspect it's missing lines since this sentence comes right after "Hey there," and then it's over. Bug persists on replay after pearl reset.
EDIT: A few other summons also have overlapping dialogue, with the second extra line being almost the same sentence, making both hard to read.
Just encountered a game-breaking bug in the latest Windows build: after unlocking the fifth CG for Leena, I got the city loyalty large enough for the police station to be "ready" again, but clicking on it does nothing. I even tried closing and reopening the game, but the bug persists. EDIT: Okay, turns out the bug is simply that the meter's indicator is too low and I just needed more loyalty than what it said. Here's a screenshot:
P.S. Another, comparatively minor bug I encountered is that the game never showed the private investigator's likes or dislikes. At first, I thought the game just wasn't gonna do that after the college, but then I unlocked the Nurse, whose final dislike is also blank (which, on its own, I would've assumed was intentional).
A few bugs with the current Windows version (which, again, is still 0.47): sound effects stopped playing after the second time I opened the game, and both volume sliders were all the way to the right (moving them didn't help). Also, several girls in the college have CGs unlock at different moments compared to when you get the cutscene. For example, I unlocked Crystal's fifth CG cutscene, but the window preview of it on her profile was still blank; others had the preview unlock *before* I got the cutscene. Plus, one of the college girls (I forgot who) has a bugged outfit counter: it said 3 but I could only swap between the first two; the third finally unlocked when it said 4, the 4th when it said 5, and the 5th when I unlocked its corresponding CG cutscene.
EDIT: Oh, and in the cutscene for the dean's 4th CG, the auditorium owner is mistakenly fully-clothed in preceding dialogue (in the actual CG, she's properly fully nude).
P.S. Would you be willing to add a mechanic where brainwashing Hellen enough lets you generate pearls by only resetting *one* girl's progress at a time? (at the cost of getting fewer pearls, obviously). Maybe going even further would convince her to brainwash herself to generate pearls at regular intervals without losing net progress. EDIT: Nevermind, just saw Leena's CG cutscenes. EDIT 2: I would still like for there to be an option to get pearls without losing location loyalty because of how long it can take to build up, though. EDIT 3: Actually, now that I've beaten the game, I think this automated pearl generation could still work.
P.P.S. I'd also appreciate if the characters' post-full-nude CGs had cutscene dialogue like the main ones do. The hardest part (the drawing) is already done; all I'm asking for is a few lines of text added to them. Okay, I finally figured out how to see those cutscenes; would you be willing to make it a bit more clear how to do so? Maybe a cutscene when you first level up a character enough where Hellen says where to assign them and to look for the eye icon.
Can you add an option to replay unlocked cutscenes? My mouse will occasionally register two clicks at once, and this caused me to miss a line of dialogue. EDIT: Okay, resetting progress to get pearls lets you see the cutscenes again, though I do think you missed an opportunity to have them be slightly different, like they still have vague memories of previously being hypnotized. Also, the Windows download is still v0.47. EDIT: I looked at earlier comments, and this appears to be a known issue and simply a typo. Apologies for harping on about it; I thought there were bug fixes I was missing.
EDIT 2: Actually, now that I think about it some more, introductory cutscenes can't be rewatched, even after reobtaining the same amount of loyalty that unlocked said characters, so at least having a way to view those specific cutscenes again would be nice. EDIT 3: On third thought, in the Elf Kingdom, it's easy to skip the first line of dialogue by accident since there's no clear victory/defeat demarcation; the game just instantly fades from the clicking segment to the cutscene, so it'd be nice if those could be rewatched at will as well. Maybe just do it for all cutscenes to be on the safe side.
EDIT: One of Tammy(the tennis player)'s lines is literally just the word "null", which I think is a mistake since her previous line is "I'm up for anything," which seems like a better way to end the cutscene. EDIT 2: Also, when I reset progress for pearls, this particular cutscene played twice: once where it ended when it was supposed to, and the other with the extra "null" that doesn't get auto-skipped like everyone else's visible "null" lines.
The fourth cg scene for Anne softlocks the game. The scene pops up but the dialogue is empty and nothing happens when clicking. Bug persisted through a save reset and redownload of the game.
Changing outfits and player sex does not help. Full-screening does not help.
Also encountered a bug where the fire station perpetually says ready but never plays a second scene after recruiting Wanda.
I encountered both of these bugs myself. Between them and the other bugs I encountered (and the fact that the Windows version is 0.47 despite 0.48 being released), I'm worried that it was deprecated in favor of the Android version (though it could just as easily be that the dev is juggling too many projects to keep on top of them all).
I will say: for the fire station, the bug is just that the meter is mislabeled. If you get enough Country Loyalty (somewhere between 25,000 and 50,000), clicking the fire station will unlock a new character: Susan, head of the fire station. As for Anne, I'm guessing there's a problem in her mbs/scn file, but there's no easy way for us to figure out which one is for that specific cutscene, or what the problem is.
I currently have all of the scenes and about half the summons, except for one row or character that I don't know how to unlock. It's the last row of scenes on the front pages right below Helen's 5 main scenes + auditorium, club and barn scenes.
If you still don't know: I looked up a walkthrough, and it turns out you can only unlock those scenes by playing the game during certain holidays (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.). It's not a new character, but Helen in various holiday-themed outfits.
Small correction: apparently, it can be any day in the holiday's month instead of having to be on the specific day. It's just that Easter's month is April, so even though Easter technically falls on March 31st this year, we won't get the scene until tomorrow.
If you mean the gatekeeper when you first go to the elf world, you need more pearls. Helen says as much.
You go on Helen's profile and down in the bottom left corner is a button. Click that button, then choose to reset.
Resetting removes all your levels in exchange for pearls. The higher your total level is, the more pearls you get. The more pearls you have, the easier otherworldly conquests will be. You can also use pearls to buy permanent upgrades and summon new harem girls from other worlds.
I'm not sure what might cause that, I'll have to look into it. Did you get the tutorial for them, or could it be a case that you've unlocked girls who are in those locations but haven't yet unlocked management of those locations?
Whenever I assign any girl to the barn, this is all I get: no income and no eye icon. Town loyalty is at all checkpoints maxed out so I don't think it's that either.
So if you're using the latest version, which is 0.48, it seems you've got a bug.
(Seems I also have a bug, in that the countdown meter doesn't appear.)
Perhaps the functions are still there, but not visible. Maybe try clicking where the eye button should be?
Also, HypnoChanger seems to have forgotten to update the version count in the latest version. So even though the version actually is 0.48, the title screen says it's 0.47, so keep that in mind.
I don't have a comprehensive list, but as a general rule...
Library/Police Station/Fire Station: Further to the left the better for normal characters, further to the right the better for summons.
Auditorium/Mall: Low range are "most" characters, mid range are characters with performance skills or who put effort into being attractive, high range are characters with supernatural attractiveness.
Barn: Effectiveness is proportionate to breast size.
On android it seems like I can only play for a few moments before the game slows down and I have to exit the application and restart it before it runs smoothly. Seems like a memory leak issue possibly. Also the mechanic has a third scene I think where I can't go past it. No dialogue and I have to close to exit.
After second or third reset for pearls Erika is stuck in some weird locked state with no interactions possible. She is visible, but her profile button is missing she cannot be selected for any facilities or leveled up via library. And no matter how many times I reset again with both of the reset options she does not become available.
The button to look at the scenes for girls working at the auditorium and mall isn't showing up. IDK if it's the same for the barn, I haven't got there yet.
If you haven't figured it out yet, the first character is the only one you unlock that way (besides Helen). For everyone else, you have to click on the college button on the center-right, then click the girl icon in the lower-left to increase loyalty. Once one of the buildings gets its bar full, you can click on it to unlock another character (or sometimes a single CG). Just keep in mind there's a bug where, sometimes, a building will say it's "ready" at the wrong time (it could be either you need more loyalty or that it's just completely done).
Hey! First of all, thank you for the good game and, especialy, for android version.
Just one thing is somewhat problematic on android is that it is not possible to access save files. I mean, I just wanted to change phone on which I was playing and found that there even isnt any folder for this game in "Android -> Data". Can you please change that? Or, even better, add a function to export and imprort save file?
Noticed another "bug", The order of Luna's costumes isn't accurate to the order in which her scenes are unlocked in, specifically the leotard is unlocked where the normal dress is unlocked and vise versa.
Hello, I'm having trouble with crashes at the dungeon minigame in the late game, the one where you click on traps. It seems like it will just inevitably crash no matter what and I can't get past it.
Its probably a memory issue. I'm going to work on optimizing it when I can to make it easier to run. If there is a specific trap that causes the crash, that might be a specific issue with that trap though, so feel free to let me know if there is a trap consistently crashing things.
Heads up found a bug on the Andriod version. The game will randomly become unresponsive on reopening the app. As I've had to reset my game data 2 twice to get the app to become responsive again don't know the cause but here is the heads up.
I don't know if you'll be adding anything more to this game since you're working on the sequel, but I found a couple minor bugs.
1. Leanne says you have 5/5 outfits unlocked regardless of how many you actually have unlocked for her
2. Katelyn says that you have 4/5 outfits unlocked before you actually unlock the 4th outfit, and once you do unlock the 4th outfit, it then says you have 5/5 unlocked even though you only have 4.
3. I don't know if this counts as a bug, but a lot of the later girls have their scenes that show off their 4th and 5th outfits happen before you actually unlock the outfits. Like, if I remember correctly, they play the 4th outfit's scene at lvl 75 when it unlocks to wear at lvl 100.
4. Some of Erika's first scenes display her original outfit instead of the appropriate one for the scene, if I remember correctly.
Also, I really feel like, at some point, it would definitely be worth coming back to this and just cleaning up some of the loose ends, like some girls (main & summoned) not having the personality section of their bios, and some of the summoned girls not having their dialogues. Doesn't need to be soon, especially if your time is taken up by work on Spiral Clicker 2, but it would really improve the experience if there weren't so many obvious signs of "incompleteness"
Which version of the game is this? I just noticed that it was updated here last thirteen days ago, but the Steam version (which is up to 0.47) was last updated in August. Does the Steam version not get updates anymore? If yes, does anybody know if you can transfer save data from the Steam version to this one?
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When you update the game next, please tweak the Elf Kingdom so it shows a recommended pearl amount for the next character, preferably before you take them on. At least have Helen tell you that your strength is based on current pearl count BEFORE losing to the gatekeeper and getting a sore arm in real life from clicking so much. I'd also like some sort of in-game hint as to how to unlock the Elf Kingdom because the current method is kinda unintuitive (no one needed to be over level 180 for anything except to unlock their bonus CGs).
There should also be clearer hints for how to defeat them. For example, "keep moving up the stairs" doesn't translate to "keep moving the mouse around the screen," especially since there's no visual for whether or not you're doing the right thing like there is for the gatekeeper (the stair animation keeps happening regardless). Plus, mouse movement was never needed before this point (only clicking was needed), making it extra unintuitive that this is the opposite.
P.S. A few summons don't have female-player variants for their CGs (such as Kass and Sonia), or if they do, they don't display in place of the male-player variants. If it's the former, I can wait. EDIT: Okay, I checked the graphics folder, and Sonia's 5th CG's female variant is there, so it not displaying is a game-side issue. Kass's 5th CG doesn't appear to have a female-variant yet, though, so I'll just have to wait for that one.
Two more Windows bugs: unlike
everymost other characters, the "time traveler" doesn't have *any* dialogue after the initial summon; increasing her level only unlocked the CGs by themselves, even when I got the fifth one. EDIT: same goes for several other summons, and the space pirate stops having dialogue after her 3rd CG (even her 4th/5th CGs don't unlock, even after unlocking her 6th CG--even after reaching level 600!) until reaching a certain point in the game, so maybe have the summons themselves progression-locked instead? It would help with other summons as well, like preventing getting the Noir detective before reaching the countryside.Also, this cutscene for DH has the "Null" line superimposed on each sentence, making them hard to read. I also suspect it's missing lines since this sentence comes right after "Hey there," and then it's over. Bug persists on replay after pearl reset.
EDIT: A few other summons also have overlapping dialogue, with the second extra line being almost the same sentence, making both hard to read.
Just encountered a game-breaking bug in the latest Windows build: after unlocking the fifth CG for Leena, I got the city loyalty large enough for the police station to be "ready" again, but clicking on it does nothing. I even tried closing and reopening the game, but the bug persists. EDIT: Okay, turns out the bug is simply that the meter's indicator is too low and I just needed more loyalty than what it said. Here's a screenshot:
P.S. Another, comparatively minor bug I encountered is that the game never showed the private investigator's likes or dislikes. At first, I thought the game just wasn't gonna do that after the college, but then I unlocked the Nurse, whose final dislike is also blank (which, on its own, I would've assumed was intentional).
A few bugs with the current Windows version
(which, again, is still 0.47): sound effects stopped playing after the second time I opened the game, and both volume sliders were all the way to the right (moving them didn't help). Also, several girls in the college have CGs unlock at different moments compared to when you get the cutscene. For example, I unlocked Crystal's fifth CG cutscene, but the window preview of it on her profile was still blank; others had the preview unlock *before* I got the cutscene. Plus, one of the college girls (I forgot who) has a bugged outfit counter: it said 3 but I could only swap between the first two; the third finally unlocked when it said 4, the 4th when it said 5, and the 5th when I unlocked its corresponding CG cutscene.EDIT: Oh, and in the cutscene for the dean's 4th CG, the auditorium owner is mistakenly fully-clothed in preceding dialogue (in the actual CG, she's properly fully nude).
P.S. Would you be willing to add a mechanic where brainwashing Hellen enough lets you generate pearls by only resetting *one* girl's progress at a time? (at the cost of getting fewer pearls, obviously). Maybe going even further would convince her to brainwash herself to generate pearls at regular intervals without losing net progress. EDIT: Nevermind, just saw Leena's CG cutscenes. EDIT 2: I would still like for there to be an option to get pearls without losing location loyalty because of how long it can take to build up, though. EDIT 3: Actually, now that I've beaten the game, I think this automated pearl generation could still work.
P.P.S. I'd also appreciate if
the characters' post-full-nude CGs had cutscene dialogue like the main ones do. The hardest part (the drawing) is already done; all I'm asking for is a few lines of text added to them.Okay, I finally figured out how to see those cutscenes; would you be willing to make it a bit more clear how to do so? Maybe a cutscene when you first level up a character enough where Hellen says where to assign them and to look for the eye icon.Can you add an option to replay unlocked cutscenes? My mouse will occasionally register two clicks at once, and this caused me to miss a line of dialogue. EDIT: Okay, resetting progress to get pearls lets you see the cutscenes again, though I do think you missed an opportunity to have them be slightly different, like they still have vague memories of previously being hypnotized.
Also, the Windows download is still v0.47.EDIT: I looked at earlier comments, and this appears to be a known issue and simply a typo. Apologies for harping on about it; I thought there were bug fixes I was missing.EDIT 2: Actually, now that I think about it some more, introductory cutscenes can't be rewatched, even after reobtaining the same amount of loyalty that unlocked said characters, so at least having a way to view those specific cutscenes again would be nice. EDIT 3: On third thought, in the Elf Kingdom, it's easy to skip the first line of dialogue by accident since there's no clear victory/defeat demarcation; the game just instantly fades from the clicking segment to the cutscene, so it'd be nice if those could be rewatched at will as well. Maybe just do it for all cutscenes to be on the safe side.
EDIT: One of Tammy(the tennis player)'s lines is literally just the word "null", which I think is a mistake since her previous line is "I'm up for anything," which seems like a better way to end the cutscene. EDIT 2: Also, when I reset progress for pearls, this particular cutscene played twice: once where it ended when it was supposed to, and the other with the extra "null" that doesn't get auto-skipped like everyone else's visible "null" lines.
The fourth cg scene for Anne softlocks the game. The scene pops up but the dialogue is empty and nothing happens when clicking. Bug persisted through a save reset and redownload of the game.
Changing outfits and player sex does not help. Full-screening does not help.
Also encountered a bug where the fire station perpetually says ready but never plays a second scene after recruiting Wanda.
I encountered both of these bugs myself. Between them and the other bugs I encountered
(and the fact that the Windows version is 0.47 despite 0.48 being released), I'm worried that it was deprecated in favor of the Android version (though it could just as easily be thatthe dev is juggling too many projects to keep on top of them all).I will say: for the fire station, the bug is just that the meter is mislabeled. If you get enough Country Loyalty (somewhere between 25,000 and 50,000), clicking the fire station will unlock a new character: Susan, head of the fire station. As for Anne, I'm guessing there's a problem in her mbs/scn file, but there's no easy way for us to figure out which one is for that specific cutscene, or what the problem is.
I currently have all of the scenes and about half the summons, except for one row or character that I don't know how to unlock. It's the last row of scenes on the front pages right below Helen's 5 main scenes + auditorium, club and barn scenes.
If you still don't know: I looked up a walkthrough, and it turns out you can only unlock those scenes by playing the game during certain holidays (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.). It's not a new character, but Helen in various holiday-themed outfits.
Big, thanks for the response
Small correction: apparently, it can be any day in the holiday's month instead of having to be on the specific day. It's just that Easter's month is April, so even though Easter technically falls on March 31st this year, we won't get the scene until tomorrow.
How do you get past the red hair elf?
If you mean the gatekeeper when you first go to the elf world, you need more pearls. Helen says as much.
You go on Helen's profile and down in the bottom left corner is a button. Click that button, then choose to reset.
Resetting removes all your levels in exchange for pearls. The higher your total level is, the more pearls you get. The more pearls you have, the easier otherworldly conquests will be. You can also use pearls to buy permanent upgrades and summon new harem girls from other worlds.
I meant the the third elf in the elf world. sorry if I wasn't clear enough before
Ah, I see.
For her, you tickle her armpit to break her concentration. Then in the duel, you just hit her weak spots like all the other elves.
I can't enter dorms and auditorium after unlocking it, im on android.
I'm not sure what might cause that, I'll have to look into it. Did you get the tutorial for them, or could it be a case that you've unlocked girls who are in those locations but haven't yet unlocked management of those locations?
I've unlocked the girls from those location but haven't able to use the management/pearl shop.
edit: nvm, after i upgraded all the girls from the school area, everything is unlocked.
Where is the demo for the second game going to on
I'll have a demo here and on steam when it's ready. Its taking longer than expected unfortunately.
I would like to ask how does the barn work
income from the barn is based on the breast size of the girl there. Bigger breasts mean more income.
ok yeah but does " the privacy here for a little extra fun as well" not sure what I am supposed to do
For any girl who has a barn scene implemented, an eye icon will appear. you can click on it to see her barn sex scene.
I am sorry if keep asking but I can’t find the eye icon anywhere
When you assign a girl to the barn, the eye goes right next to the "change" button. That's also where it is for the auditorium and nightclub.
If the eye button doesn't appear, that means that particular girl doesn't have a scene for that particular location yet.
Whenever I assign any girl to the barn, this is all I get: no income and no eye icon. Town loyalty is at all checkpoints maxed out so I don't think it's that either.
Here's a screenshot from my game, for reference:
So if you're using the latest version, which is 0.48, it seems you've got a bug.
(Seems I also have a bug, in that the countdown meter doesn't appear.)
Perhaps the functions are still there, but not visible. Maybe try clicking where the eye button should be?
Also, HypnoChanger seems to have forgotten to update the version count in the latest version. So even though the version actually is 0.48, the title screen says it's 0.47, so keep that in mind.
Also is the sequel going to happen or no
The soundless demo will be ready very soon. I'll be working on getting the music for it next after that.
Is the Android version as big as the pc one
is there a document compiling how good which girl is at which position? finding which one is useful for mindbreaking is really a chore :(
I don't have a comprehensive list, but as a general rule...
Library/Police Station/Fire Station: Further to the left the better for normal characters, further to the right the better for summons.
Auditorium/Mall: Low range are "most" characters, mid range are characters with performance skills or who put effort into being attractive, high range are characters with supernatural attractiveness.
Barn: Effectiveness is proportionate to breast size.
does the supernatural attractiveness correlate with sparkles in the auditorium artwork?
Where are the weak points for the purple hair elf, can't seem to find any?
shoulders and outer thighs from memory
Is anyone else not able to get Helen to hypnotize them? I checked the settings and she should be able to, but it's not happening
I get her to show up but she's not got any sound.
On android it seems like I can only play for a few moments before the game slows down and I have to exit the application and restart it before it runs smoothly. Seems like a memory leak issue possibly. Also the mechanic has a third scene I think where I can't go past it. No dialogue and I have to close to exit.
i can confirm the issue with the mechanic. Had to skip the part of her story
I've got a weird bug on Android.
After second or third reset for pearls Erika is stuck in some weird locked state with no interactions possible. She is visible, but her profile button is missing she cannot be selected for any facilities or leveled up via library. And no matter how many times I reset again with both of the reset options she does not become available.
Is my save hopelessly broken now?
The button to look at the scenes for girls working at the auditorium and mall isn't showing up. IDK if it's the same for the barn, I haven't got there yet.
Not sure if this is a big problem but it seems like i cant get any other girl. Im stuck woth the one and it wont scroll
If you haven't figured it out yet, the first character is the only one you unlock that way (besides Helen). For everyone else, you have to click on the college button on the center-right, then click the girl icon in the lower-left to increase loyalty. Once one of the buildings gets its bar full, you can click on it to unlock another character (or sometimes a single CG). Just keep in mind there's a bug where, sometimes, a building will say it's "ready" at the wrong time (it could be either you need more loyalty or that it's just completely done).
Hey! First of all, thank you for the good game and, especialy, for android version.
Just one thing is somewhat problematic on android is that it is not possible to access save files. I mean, I just wanted to change phone on which I was playing and found that there even isnt any folder for this game in "Android -> Data". Can you please change that? Or, even better, add a function to export and imprort save file?
Thank you in advance :)
How do you make one of the girls the library manager on mobile
You need to get pearls to unlock the slot, either with a soft-rebirth or a hard-rebirth you can get in Helen's submenu
Noticed another "bug", The order of Luna's costumes isn't accurate to the order in which her scenes are unlocked in, specifically the leotard is unlocked where the normal dress is unlocked and vise versa.
is there any cheat on mobile?
Man, I remember this game from a whole back. So glad to see it got its android version! Thanks for the hard work you put into this!
the downlood for windows is broken (i dont get all the files
so were is the game in the files i cant find it
Hello, I'm having trouble with crashes at the dungeon minigame in the late game, the one where you click on traps. It seems like it will just inevitably crash no matter what and I can't get past it.
Any Advice?
Its probably a memory issue. I'm going to work on optimizing it when I can to make it easier to run. If there is a specific trap that causes the crash, that might be a specific issue with that trap though, so feel free to let me know if there is a trap consistently crashing things.
It doesn't seem to be related to any specific trap, the game just eventually crashes, no matter what
how do you make one of the girls the library manager
I can't open the .exe file
underwear seen before u ask
found a bug with the mechanic the seen starts but no dialogue
Yeah, i found the one you are talking about. I will work on getting it fixed.
whats new about this update do you know where we can find a changelog
I just posted the changelog. I often forget to do that, sorry. xD
It is normal for the home screen to display version 0.47.
Yeah... Sometimes I forget to update the version number. I'll fix that now so if I upload another bug fix the version number will update with it.
Heads up found a bug on the Andriod version. The game will randomly become unresponsive on reopening the app. As I've had to reset my game data 2 twice to get the app to become responsive again don't know the cause but here is the heads up.
I don't know if you'll be adding anything more to this game since you're working on the sequel, but I found a couple minor bugs.
1. Leanne says you have 5/5 outfits unlocked regardless of how many you actually have unlocked for her
2. Katelyn says that you have 4/5 outfits unlocked before you actually unlock the 4th outfit, and once you do unlock the 4th outfit, it then says you have 5/5 unlocked even though you only have 4.
3. I don't know if this counts as a bug, but a lot of the later girls have their scenes that show off their 4th and 5th outfits happen before you actually unlock the outfits. Like, if I remember correctly, they play the 4th outfit's scene at lvl 75 when it unlocks to wear at lvl 100.
4. Some of Erika's first scenes display her original outfit instead of the appropriate one for the scene, if I remember correctly.
Also, I really feel like, at some point, it would definitely be worth coming back to this and just cleaning up some of the loose ends, like some girls (main & summoned) not having the personality section of their bios, and some of the summoned girls not having their dialogues. Doesn't need to be soon, especially if your time is taken up by work on Spiral Clicker 2, but it would really improve the experience if there weren't so many obvious signs of "incompleteness"
A walkthrough on how to get all the CGs or even an in game mention would be nice!
If you're still looking for a walkthrough, there's a pretty thorough one on the game's Steam forum:
And any info not there has likely already been answered in other threads: https://steamcommunity.com/app/950860/discussions/0/3948028800075049581/
Which version of the game is this? I just noticed that it was updated here last thirteen days ago, but the Steam version (which is up to 0.47) was last updated in August. Does the Steam version not get updates anymore? If yes, does anybody know if you can transfer save data from the Steam version to this one?
the game was updated 13 days ago to add the .APK of the previous version. Both Itch and Steam have been updated to 0.48 yesterday.
Thank you. :-)