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Got this on Steam a little while back and really enjoying it for the most part.  I'm having some issues with accessing the Farthest Shores though, as the guides I've seen don't really make it clear what needs to be met--just that the gate will appear in the Countryside.  Anyone got any advice?

Let me know if you figure it out! I'm stuck too

I know it has been a year, and you may have already found the answer already, but I levelled Branda to 200, and that triggered the conversation with Hilda to enter the Farthest Shores, give it a try :)

So, eh, this keep happening, i don't know if i should have make some thread in the steam version, because this is the steam version (i don't if it has any difference so), i tried reinstalling the game but it didn't work (this has happened before but restarting, reinstalling seemed to have worked, so it was good enough for me)
The problem itself is that when i go to the countryside, this happens you can't click on anything anymore, so you're stuck on this screen unless you restart your game (i could go before, sometimes this problem happened but nothing that i couldn't fix)
Do anyone have a solution to this?

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Hm. I'm having a bit of trouble with Red, the General. Nothing I do seems to have any effect or give any kind of feedback, unlike the previous two challenges. Anybody got any hints?

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how do you assign a manager I have no idea, I also have how to get pearls

Once you have hypnotised Helen, you can click on her to gain the option to soft reset the game. A soft reset exchanges some of your progress for a number of gems. I think every 100 levels gives 1 gem, but could be wrong.

The game is great, I love it, I love the characters and the gameplay, and every new content is great. Thanks.
A suggestion: Could you make a "Controlled Magic Portal" where people can upload a home made character in exchange for pearl? This way people could personally upload characters from other franchises without copyright issues. This will obviously not affect the story, just like other evoked characters, and could make the community bigger, with people helping eachother in the making of personal characters.

Suggestion: For the random girls for loyalty grinding, have extra will overflow to the next girl and/or have an overkill threshold that makes the next girl come really quickly. The approximate second between each girl when you do about 20x their total will in damage gets annoying, especially just after prestiging.

Version 0.42: Another interesting update. 

I want to begin by saying that I am not complaining, I am merely informing the dev (when he gets a chance) of a couple of items/errors. Still a fun game.

I did not have the issues others have described. Darlene is a new summons (even though Helen’s pearl/summon screen says no girls available). 

New Girl (Summon): Darlene.

New convos: Queen, Dominya, Liandra

Ongoing issues:

Raine’s Mall Dancer convo appears only with the old mall background.

Missing CGs:

Auditorium Dancer CGs from the Gallery: Delia, Jessica, Queen, Kat.

Mall Dancer CGs from the Gallery: Nichole, Beth.

No convo yet for Boomer (but she has an appearance and convo in the Auditorium).

While not an issue, per se, there is an oddity when going through the various “improvement” houses. The girls are not in the same order as they are on the main screen.

What the future could hold, i.e., what hasn’t been implemented (maybe)?

Legacy Summons that are awaiting convos: Kaas, Alison.

Still Not In Auditorium: Awake-San, Leanne, Jean, Liandra, Dominya, Larelle, Samantha, Mavre.

Still Not In Mall: Olivia, Susan, Branda, Cathrine, Delia, Dixie, Karen, Genma, Jessica, Cassie, Erika, Luna, Queen, Naomi, Aiko, Sophia, Mika, Joan, Elkantar, Hypno-Tan, Ms. Rack, DH, Xyrene, Kat. 

Still Not In Barn: Wanda, Emily, Anne, Raine, Nichole, Dr. Love, Jill, Beth, Crystal, Heidal, Terra, Dianne.

Wait where did the web version go?

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The Tower in the Countryside appears to have vanished after the new update. It also says I've unlocked everyone currently available, but I had just started up the game, to begin looking for Darlene. I think there's a problem here. It says v0.42, but it feels like a downgrade.

All the girls from the Tower are still available as my slaves, and the new dialogue is present. The issues above are the only ones.


I am only getting an internet explorer link that doesn't like working. How can I load this game on my windows machine?


Will you ever make this for phone sorry if I am bothering you and this question has been asked I apologize


If I can get it to work I plan to, but so far the engine hasn't been able to successfully compile into apk.


There's a different ways you can format it to APK I don't know of them myself but keep up the good work and I hope the best on your next game


What engine are you using anyways?


I am using Stencyl


Hey! Been playing this and really enjoy it, but I'm getting this really weird bug that just puts a big black box when I hover over the Level Up button on the main screen, so I can't see anything that is supposed to be in it.


Has the "Helen will ______ you if you fall into a trance" things in the settings been implemented? I've been sitting on the screen clicking nothing trying to get it to work, even reset to have 0 willpower rather than the 10M i start with from refreshing.


If you click and hold for 10-15 seconds it should start the trance routine.  If it doesn't, you might want to verify your settings to see if anything is selected from the options.  Otherwise it normally takes a few minutes to trigger.

how do i assign managers ???

It's in some of the buildings - once you've unlocked the buildings (on campus, etc), you should be able to click on the buildings and have options under them.  Some of the character slots require unlocking/upgrading, but typically there's a change/select button to let you choose the girl for that building.

Having an issue where some CG's that occur do not proc to appear, this includes Luna and terra for the mall; Candice, Janis, Sally, Tammy and Kathrine. The CG's used are in the files which is how I know about these in the first place so I'm not too sure about why they aren't popping up.

Thank you for any helpful comments


I keep forgetting the version I last played. I'm going to leave this comment to let my future self know whether or not I've played the most recent version.

Reminder that you have not played the most recent version~


Thank you. :)

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I don't know if anyone else is having this problem but once i start leveling up amber and some other character that i cant think of right now the cgs just disappear like it's just an empty space, not even the "undiscovered" gray rectangle, just the tan background of the info on them in place of the cgs. I've tried to restart my game, uninstall and reinstall but nothing works. Please send help.


This game is so nice, I love it! I can't wait until it's finished someday. Just wish there would be an update to give the girls without scenes something. The little dialogues with the characters are my favorite part ^^

how do you run .rar files on windows?

.rar is an archival file type, you need to extract it with WinRAR or 7zip and then you can run the .exe inside.


Changer's Newest Update: Like that he wound up the arc about Helen's search for her Mother (the Queen).

Three new additions (Liandra, Dominya, Queen), as well as some more seeing the inside of the barn and dancing in the Mall.

There are still a few lingering issues with the CG Gallery (images not in the gallery: Kat and Jessica in the Auditorium; Nichole and Beth in the Mall).

Typo in Kat's Auditorium convo, frame no. 3 ... "He smile spreads ..."

In the Mall: Raine's dance "watch" still has the old background used, not her new CG.

Still missing convos: Kass and Alison.

Understanding that everyone is feeling the economic pinch, I am not complaining about these issues. Just like to keep track of all the new goodies, so I thought I would share ...

Progress to date has been pretty consistent, following is a list of those who have not had their time in the spotlight ...

Still not dancing in the Auditorium: Olivia, Susan, Delia, Awake San, Leanne, Kass, Nanshe, Alison, Larelle, Samantha, and Marve.

Still not dancing in the Mall: Branda, Cathrine, Dixie, Karen, Genma, Jessica, Cassie, Erika, Luna, Naomi, Aiko, Sophia, Mika, Joan, Hypno-Tan, Ms. Rack, DH, Xyrene, Kat.

Still not being milked in the barn: Wanda, Emily, Anne, Raine, Jill, Beth, Crystal, Heidal, Terra, and Dianne.


Thank you!


For some reason it won't let me progress. I can't make any progress past the heaven update, despite being on the current version.  The gallery doesnt even show that I'm missing any girls (Other than whoever is between Jill and Terra)

I just think aout it, but it would be interesting a version with male harem, or a version with both, male and female slaves(just a random thought)


Maybe this is obvious, but is it possible to update the game and retain progress, or do I have to restart to play the latest version?


It's possible, yes. When you install it, make sure you do so in the same folder the original is located. It'll ask if you wish to overwrite files, click Yes to All. Presto, you're set!


Thanks so much. I was being dumb and struggling to get it for a bit, but it works now thanks to you.


In the settings there is an option to choose your gender/genitals. are there sex scenes or cg where it matters? if not, will there be? btw nice game! simple and fun! 


There are! There are a small handful not fully implemented (or maybe just the logic is bugged for it) but most CG where it's relevant have alternate versions based on that setting

I cant play it when I download it its not a file I can extract and use unlucky


When will there be a apk version?

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The game's not even halfway finished yet. People need to stop asking for Changer to try to convert an incomplete game to a new format.


so whats new in this version?


A couple new girls. A bugfix. That's about it for now. Next update should be a bit bigger.


where do you find them i dont notice any new ones 


Boomer is in the Ocean Shooter Area. I can't remember where the other one is. Sorry.


Everything is supporter only on Subscribestar so I can't see any news, but with "Released" does this mean the game is now "complete" barring any other additions later on? Like, it is up to the intended ending, no bugs and all paths are good?

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No, it's about 40% finished. That's why it's V0.40. V1.0 would be the complete version.


The new version was released. The game is not yet feature-complete; it should be soon though, and after that it'll continue to get new characters periodically.  


Does that mean we finally find Helen's mother? That's the only plot bunny left.

I liked that the gamejolt page had a HTML5 access, as it allowed me to play it on mobile (which feels a lot better). Now that it will disappear by the end of the week... Will there be one on Itch?

I heard about the Android version.

This is true?

There is no Android version. Converting the game into a mobile format is impossible until after the original game is completed.


Hi, Is there a method of viewing a scene of one of the girls going after you've already seen it without having to use the reset function and get all the level upgrades again?


No. Just the CGs, not the convos. CGs are viewable in the Gallery, even after reset.


Does anyone know if this game is ever gonna get an android or ios port. I'm really liking it so far and I feel like an android port for the game would be really good.


Trying to change its format that much is like being repeatedly kicked in the dick by steeltoe boots. Sorry, but Changer can't even consider doing that until after he actually finishes the game first.

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The amount of money a girl earns doesn't update when the appropriate loyalty increases, you have to change the assigned girl for it to update.

That's been a thing for a long time. Don't think it's fixable.


what is different about this update


in the new area, i finished the pokemon themed area but cant go further, is that a glitch, is the area not added, or did i do something wrong? (also for some reason one of the cutscenes with dixie ((think thats the name)) isnt working. after it goes to the image of her drinking beer, it just stays that way until i close the game)


How do you get Boomer?


you can get her the next time you beat the navy minigame in the new special area.

Tyvm, and keep up with the amazing work!


My game always closes in the sky war, and several bugs occur in pokegirl, the images do not appear. I own the updated steam version, but errors keep occurring. I really love this game and even though I can't progress further in history, I'm already 18 hours into the game. I want to keep up with the evolution of this fantastic game.


This new version has a fix attempt for the pokegirl minigame. Where exactly in the celestial plain are you having issues? is it upon entering, or are there specific minigames that are the issue?

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I only know about the first battle as I can't get over it. It would be interesting to do the Portuguese translation too, my girlfriend loves the game but she's not very good at English, so she always uses google translator. Anything, I'm available to type the translation into Portuguese. There is also a small bug in the hospital, where it is always "ready" but it is not possible to complete, by clicking you are taken directly to the Hospital menu to select the nurse.


I can send you a video with the bugs so it will be easier to know exactly where it is. Can I email you the file?


I have issue after catching poke girls and forest guard next stage is not unlocking and idk why?

People are saying it's not been made yet.
Wait for more updates.

Does this game have breast expansion? I see this game a lot when I click "related games" for games that do have it, but it doesn't look like this one does at a glance. Just wanna make sure lol

No, the images don't have expansion. It might be a glitch in the system.

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