Same problem as Zyikes from about a month ago. just lost all progress. cant even figure out what triggered it for sure either. if there was maybe a why to download it for people who didn't what to play in browser? because like lotsofflag427, trying to use the SWF files isn't working for me. I'd actually be perfectly fine playing a downloaded version even it it meant deleting it and re downloading the new version at every update. just to avoid this kind of thing from happening. Admittedly this has never happened when i play over on newgrounds, but my internet security set up seems to hate that site and often blocks me out of it so i cant even reliably play this game there.
EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I really do love the game. I absolutely wouldn't go through the effort of sorting this out instead of just quitting unless I really enjoyed your work here.
ok then, good to know. well that basically IS my comment about being willing to delete and re download each new update, just without the download. good to know the deletion inst random after all. Thanks for clearing this up.
Could anyone tell me how to download my current save onto my pc? I'm using Microsoft edge and the tutorials I've found online aren't working. I know I'm supposed to get the swf file, but I can't find it
GOD! this game is so good, i can't stop playing it. i have only ever for 1 or 2 other games that have grabbed my attention like this, but this is the most captivating game of them all!
You don't. Puffin doesn't save your flash SOL files anywhere that is regularly accessible, and Puffin assigns you the use of a random server in their cloud for the content. There's no way to *save* the progress when using Puffin.
Via Puffin? You don't. Puffin doesn't save your flash SOL files anywhere that is regularly accessible, and Puffin assigns you the use of a random server in their cloud for the content. There's no way to *save* the progress when using Puffin.
I just wanted to day that I'm enjoying all of your games, and that I appreciate all the effort that you put into making them. I hope you are doing well, and staying safe
how do you save your progress in this game on an android device? I’ve been using the puffin browser to play. I was playing for a couple hours and my progress got deleted. I simply have no idea how to keep a back up file for this game. If anybody could help me out, it’d be greatly appreciated.
You don't. Puffin doesn't save your flash SOL files anywhere that is regularly accessible, and Puffin assigns you the use of a random server in their cloud for the content. There's no way to *save* the progress when using Puffin.
Even if it's designed to fit in a phone, I think it would be nice to have a widescreen version, where we would have access to every girl without scrolling on the super narrow screen.
Also, since the update, the text is being cropped by the window (steam version)
Saw a patreon post indicating this got a public release, but it's not updated here or on Newgrounds. File problems again, or something else? Looking forward to the new content, as always.
I mostly try to finish fast. can you make an easy mode to Mind Conquest? I found I got to the point where I had to get food and people-a never ending loop. Please, make a way to play it, but easier! I would put this in the game I am speaking of, but I am not good yet at navigating this site...
If there any way to transfer saves? I have every girl and scene on the version i have downloaded, so i don't want to update if all that progress is just gonna disappear, ya' know?
I dont know if its just my computer, but starting at Cassie, I couldnt read any 'comentary' from the girls, i could do the older stories, but not the newer ones. It might not be done yet, but i think otherwise.
I think this game could use a lovely mod function for the hypnosis helen uses on you when you start to fall into trance :)
More specifically, the ability to adjust what suggestions/triggers helen tries to plant in you during these moments... I see it having some great uses!
I just wanted to say that I'm enjoying all of your games, and that I appreciate all the effort that you are putting into making them. I hope life is treating you well, that you are doing well, and that you keep doing what you enjoy. Also this game, and all of your other games are all video games right? Also sorry about asking this, but can you make a downloadable version of this game if you can?
Something interesting I noticed is that the game has the fixed 'level up' until I spend pearls on the defense things, and then suddenly it... doesn't, anymore. Like it'll start increasing. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be a feature or if the fixed level-up was the bug in the first place...
I can't find any Violet's weakness spots, she doesn't seem to react to my clicks at all. Am I doing something wrong, or is this battle just not developed yet?
I wonder if the pearl system was designed to be easy to break, or it hasn't been balanced properly yet. Currently, after you get your first reset, it's better to immediately buy out all of the girls you just got (don't bother breaking new barriers), and reset immediately. This process, if done quickly (and don't get stuck when switching between girls...) takes <5 minutes to get the same amount of pearls as your first reset. (For me, it's currently in the mid-20's.)
Great clicker game! Although I think there can be some improvements.
Maybe have it so you can actually choose which clothing you want them to wear/what level multiplier you use, instead of having to cycle through them.
Switching between girls' profiles without returning to the entire list. It's helpful if you want to spam level up or compare the girls' stats without having to return to the list, which just kind of wastes time.
Having some indicator of the weakness you need to click for the elf battle. Having to guess which weakness it is, without even knowing where the weaknesses are or how many there are, is kind of annoying and pointlessly difficult. Also, it shows no indication of how much "damage" she has taken
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i keep losing all my data on this game.
it is because of the game updates mostly
not from that, no mattter what i do, i lose data
this would be a great mobile game
Same problem as Zyikes from about a month ago. just lost all progress. cant even figure out what triggered it for sure either. if there was maybe a why to download it for people who didn't what to play in browser? because like lotsofflag427, trying to use the SWF files isn't working for me. I'd actually be perfectly fine playing a downloaded version even it it meant deleting it and re downloading the new version at every update. just to avoid this kind of thing from happening. Admittedly this has never happened when i play over on newgrounds, but my internet security set up seems to hate that site and often blocks me out of it so i cant even reliably play this game there.
EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I really do love the game. I absolutely wouldn't go through the effort of sorting this out instead of just quitting unless I really enjoyed your work here.
Every time it updates it deletes all your save data...
ok then, good to know. well that basically IS my comment about being willing to delete and re download each new update, just without the download. good to know the deletion inst random after all. Thanks for clearing this up.
Any chance for an android version? As a bundled app. (since Flash dies at the end of the year)
Wanda does not have a portrait in the Auditorium
Could anyone tell me how to download my current save onto my pc? I'm using Microsoft edge and the tutorials I've found online aren't working. I know I'm supposed to get the swf file, but I can't find it
I love the two new girls ^^
GOD! this game is so good, i can't stop playing it. i have only ever for 1 or 2 other games that have grabbed my attention like this, but this is the most captivating game of them all!
I'm annoyed because I spent several hours on this game just for my progress to disappear.
how do you save the Game on mobile i am using puffin I’ve reset too many times
You don't. Puffin doesn't save your flash SOL files anywhere that is regularly accessible, and Puffin assigns you the use of a random server in their cloud for the content. There's no way to *save* the progress when using Puffin.
how do you save the game on mobile, ive been reset twice.
Via Puffin? You don't. Puffin doesn't save your flash SOL files anywhere that is regularly accessible, and Puffin assigns you the use of a random server in their cloud for the content. There's no way to *save* the progress when using Puffin.
How do you get luna? I heard you need to go through Angel vs Demons battle a second time after pearl reset. But it isn't working.
I just wanted to day that I'm enjoying all of your games, and that I appreciate all the effort that you put into making them. I hope you are doing well, and staying safe
how do you save your progress in this game on an android device? I’ve been using the puffin browser to play. I was playing for a couple hours and my progress got deleted. I simply have no idea how to keep a back up file for this game. If anybody could help me out, it’d be greatly appreciated.
You don't. Puffin doesn't save your flash SOL files anywhere that is regularly accessible, and Puffin assigns you the use of a random server in their cloud for the content. There's no way to *save* the progress when using Puffin.
Even if it's designed to fit in a phone, I think it would be nice to have a widescreen version, where we would have access to every girl without scrolling on the super narrow screen.
Also, since the update, the text is being cropped by the window (steam version)
I played yesterday and it didn't save my progress~ 3:Or, you know, it was updated and nobody told me that I should keep a backup.
What a waste of time.
Don't bother posting a bad comment if you have nothing good to say
Mumbo chill
why are you posting on my comment that happened literally 248 days ago?
Just noticed that it was on Steam. Thanks devs!
Saw a patreon post indicating this got a public release, but it's not updated here or on Newgrounds. File problems again, or something else? Looking forward to the new content, as always.
saw this on the hub and thought nothing much of it, now i ended up trying it and its alot less shallow than i thought, very nice
I mostly try to finish fast. can you make an easy mode to Mind Conquest? I found I got to the point where I had to get food and people-a never ending loop. Please, make a way to play it, but easier! I would put this in the game I am speaking of, but I am not good yet at navigating this site...
Every single time i reopen in another tab, my save is wiped. small bit of an issue.
If there any way to transfer saves? I have every girl and scene on the version i have downloaded, so i don't want to update if all that progress is just gonna disappear, ya' know?
I dont know if its just my computer, but starting at Cassie, I couldnt read any 'comentary' from the girls, i could do the older stories, but not the newer ones. It might not be done yet, but i think otherwise.
I think this game could use a lovely mod function for the hypnosis helen uses on you when you start to fall into trance :)
More specifically, the ability to adjust what suggestions/triggers helen tries to plant in you during these moments... I see it having some great uses!
I just wanted to say that I'm enjoying all of your games, and that I appreciate all the effort that you are putting into making them. I hope life is treating you well, that you are doing well, and that you keep doing what you enjoy. Also this game, and all of your other games are all video games right? Also sorry about asking this, but can you make a downloadable version of this game if you can?
My save was deleted... and i was almost had all the girls... who ever made this need to patch that problem
happens each update. I guess it's difficult to keep the saves compatible
i hope he/she can fix that problem... i mean i can see that coding is a bit hard to do
Can't play it from here :(
I started playing this a couple days ago, but when it updated today, I lost all of my progress. Is that normal?
no, but your not the only one i lost my saves today and i had almost all the girls maxed out...
I really wish I could succumb to Aima, but... she does make a cute pet, too~
Also, Kathrine seems... unfinished?
My data won’t save for some reason. Is there a fix to this? I’m using puffin browser as my IPad doesn’t support Flash normally.
Something interesting I noticed is that the game has the fixed 'level up' until I spend pearls on the defense things, and then suddenly it... doesn't, anymore. Like it'll start increasing. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be a feature or if the fixed level-up was the bug in the first place...
I can't find any Violet's weakness spots, she doesn't seem to react to my clicks at all. Am I doing something wrong, or is this battle just not developed yet?
I think you oversaw a little problem with the level up cost scaling last update.
I wonder if the pearl system was designed to be easy to break, or it hasn't been balanced properly yet. Currently, after you get your first reset, it's better to immediately buy out all of the girls you just got (don't bother breaking new barriers), and reset immediately. This process, if done quickly (and don't get stuck when switching between girls...) takes <5 minutes to get the same amount of pearls as your first reset. (For me, it's currently in the mid-20's.)
how many pearls do i need for everything?
Great clicker game! Although I think there can be some improvements.
Maybe have it so you can actually choose which clothing you want them to wear/what level multiplier you use, instead of having to cycle through them.
Switching between girls' profiles without returning to the entire list. It's helpful if you want to spam level up or compare the girls' stats without having to return to the list, which just kind of wastes time.
Having some indicator of the weakness you need to click for the elf battle. Having to guess which weakness it is, without even knowing where the weaknesses are or how many there are, is kind of annoying and pointlessly difficult. Also, it shows no indication of how much "damage" she has taken