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(3 edits) (+1)

As early of a version as it is this is great already! Both the drawn art and pixel art are excellent, and the general style as well as the transformation mechanic remind me a lot of Shantae, particularly Pirate's Curse. 

I hope that on top of the CGs we can also get some lewd pixel animations in there, possibly implemented into the gameplay somehow. Not that the CGs are bad in any way, I just enjoy animations more and the characters aren't too pixelated to make it work. It could also be a way to make Fawn's true form consistently useful as being the one you need to use in order to seduce enemies or something along those lines.

As for the gameplay itself it's solid so far, my two critiques would be that Fawn having a voice line every single time you defeat an enemy gets annoying quickly and I think those could be reserved for when you defeat bosses and/or mini-bosses. The other is that choosing your different forms is a bit cumbersome, perhaps rather than needing to swap in the menu you could hold the transformation button to bring up a small menu or something that lets you quickly choose which form to take?

Really love how this is so far the art and story are really fun. i look forward to seeing what you do next ^^

(1 edit)

the 0.02 is ready ?

Yeah, the version that is up is 0.02

Any plans for a native Linux version?

Stencyl can only export to the same system as I am running, so I can't export to Linux. If Linux is compatible with HTML5 though, the newgrounds version should work for you.

If you have trouble with launching the game check if there any Cyrillic symbols in the path to the game...

have you posted updates on your patreon or subscribestar? I couldnt find any

I am working on the next version at the moment. It took some time to commission the art assets needed to expand the game further, but there will be a new area, more than double the number of enemies, and another boss in the next version.


Nice 2D Platformer with nice art!


says virus detected in windows.  False positive?

You should create a manual save system. 


There will be a save system in the actual game; this is just a short linear demo so there didn't seem to be any need to have save and loading in it.


What a delightful main character, will she be making an appearance in Spiral Clicker?

I'm not sure if she will or not. I am trying to limit self-referential cameos. I'm not decided if it should be just one from me in total, or one from each game.

Honestly, as an avid spiral clicker fan, I think she should make an appearance. Maybe it'd be cute to have her end up thinking she's the princess being saved lol


will this ever be available on other things like android or mac


I'm not sure a platformer would work well on android. Mac is unfortunately impossible. It can only be exported to Mac on an actual MAC computer and I do not have one.

Could it possibly work through something like unity or something like that?

I can export to android. The concern I have is on whether I can make the game feel natural to play using a touch screen, as your hands will naturally cover up parts of the screen. I will look into if I can make it work though.

(1 edit)

I used Wine to run it on my mac, doesn't always work for windows applications, but it is generally worth a try.

i assume you only have sex with the heroes right?

For the most part, a large number of sex scenes will be with heroes, but sometimes you get sex with other characters. Fawn has a strong preference for heroes though.

Amazing game dev looking for the next updates :D , I hope you enjoy my gameplay 

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