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(2 edits) (+2)

This game is fantastic... But it has one massive flaw: it doesn't respect your time.

1) The recovery between resetting for pearls and getting back to where you were is quite long. I get that most idles have this, but most idles also have bulk buy and automatic upgrades. This game does not. The x5,10,25 buy button only works up to where you get them prior, and then you have to go back to single buys. Using the library doesn't help much either, because it scales too fast for you to use it as a proper side grade, and the classrooms' auto leveling is way too slow. I'd recommend buffing both.

Addendum: after redownloading due to unrelated issues, I have found the library is great... On your second or third pearl prestige. You can easily get any character from 0-200 in the 30s once you unlock countryside / have 100 or so pearls.

2) The time it takes to hypno up to 5k,10k, etc. Loyalty is too high. It's so high that once you complete enough to get an unlockable character, you one tap them at every mind break up to level 200. This destroys the flow of the game, because most of the time is spent clicking on characters you're not learning anything about. An upgrade should be added that gives you passive loyalty based on your hypno'd girls. Maybe 25/50/75% per second? Idk

3) there are slight pauses before and after the mind break UI that aren't long, but they add up *real* fast when you're trying to get a character from 0 to 200 to unlock everything. I would genuinely recommend doubling the requirements for mind breaks and unlocking story/costumes. Make mind breaks 25 levels per, and 100 levels after 200.

Final thing, there's a weird bug where if I tap too fast, the game starts slowing down and eventually crashing. I've had to manually close the game probably close to 10 times, and it crashed on its own 5+ times. I play on an android, if that helps.


I have the crash issue too, same symptoms. Seems related to the speed of clicks, as you mention.

So glad I found this game. Love it!


I downloaded the android apk for the hell of it, and this game is fun! I know the dialogue isn't what people are here for, but is there a way to go back and re-read them? I liked them alot, but I looked everywhere in the app and there doesn't seem to be a way to.

This probably isn't exactly what you're looking for, but when you reset, the dialogues all come back, so you can reread them then.

You have a lot of projects, and are a decent creator, I think you could go places if you focused more on a longer game.


This game is amazing! Thanks for putting it on Android. Real quick though, the second dialogue for Anne causes the game to freeze for me. Does that happen with anyone else?

when will the other stories be written like the dialogue for the characters 


I've been working on getting the game efficient enough to compile into android first before adding more dialogue. Fortunately, I just succeeded a couple days ago so I can start adding more dialogue again.

Thanks for working so hard on this!


Do you plan to release a version for Android? I liked the game but I don't have a PC more, if you don't plan on releasing an exclusive version for Android, release the version with HTML because we can play using joiplay (I don't know English, I used Google Translate, sorry if it's bad).

I finally succeeded in getting the android compile to work, so I uploaded the android version last night.

Oh man, thanks for it

the file doesnt contain a .exe to play the game in first place

Download the free version of WinRAR

(1 edit) (+2)

Is the first version/demo(and subsequent versions) of Spiral Clicker 2 only going to be available  on Patreon or will it come to with a price tag? Liked the first game,but it would be a shame  if it was Patreon-only as not all people want or can afford to sign up for Patreon.

(2 edits) (+2)

I don't know if anyone else has this problem, or if it's just me. But the voicelines when Helen tries to hypnotize you keep not playing, despite me making sure the option is switched on. Sometimes they play after 'resetting' by doing a hypnosis with voicelines switched off, but most of the time not. Or maybe it's that some voicelines play, and others don't.

Oh, and for some reason, I can't change Helen's outfit

i have also noticed the outfit problem, not sure about the voice not playing though.

Hey, quick question, whenever I try to use the "Catch" button in one of the later minigames, the game crashes D: Is there any idea what might be causing this :?

when will this be available in android?

For some reason the hospital doesn't be complete. And other thing there is any chance to make a 64 bits version of the game?

okay so I'm feeling dumb right no, but when I finish opening the file downloading it. I can't help but only have a file that says assets. is there something I'm missing?

I've reached the point of completing the campus, city, and town, but I haven't had the popups for the minigames and the portals. Is there another area I haven't gotten to, or is my game bugged? I've got every girl to 300+ and reset for pearls twice.


the first special area opens after you click on helen's face 50 times in total during mindbreaks.

Forgot about the achievements. Thanks for the tip.


this game looks a lot like another game i downloaded on steam which was a clicker too. the theme is different of course but this seems like a good game luckly i can use auto clicker so my mouse wont need to be replaced


Dumb question, if I want to move my save between machines, or from a standalone install to the itch app one, which file do I need to move? Iow, what's/where's the save file?

Will this be getting an in-browser or OSX compatibility update at any point?


There is an HTML5 version on newgrounds.

apparently i´m a dumbass, because i download it, then open the file, which takes me to a download of the same file..... i´m not tech savvy, i have no idea what to do. usually i download a game, open it and it runs.


Its a compressed folder. You need to open it with something like winrar or 7zip.

how to add sensitive to beat orange ?


it wont run the game it gave me a rar file why did i pay for this


You can download a free program to open rar files. Search for WinRAR.


Would love to see a mobile version.


Android version?


Still too big for APK format as of now.


Apparently I'm still missing someone. I have a blank set of CG cards between Terra and Jill in the gallery if anyone can tell me who that is and where they are.


Luna, the Moon Goddess, appears in the Celestial Plane, when the Angels win the war. If you've already claimed Terra, you'll need to reset first.


Is there anyway to resize the screen, the bottom is cutoff for me


Press F for fullscreen mode.


I lost my save for some unknown reason, is it possible to recover it?


No, I don't think so. That's a bug. Saves should be compatible between versions.


Aw, that's painful. Thanks for the reply.

(1 edit) (+2)

NP. Losing progress sucks horribly. If I lost my current save, I'd be PISSED!

Edit: Guess what, my laptop crashed and the save data was wiped. As I said, I'm pretty pissed. I had all girls, over 160M pearls, and all items. That was a lot of work!


do half the girls from alternate realities just not have stories?


Yeah, some girls don't have theirs written yet, but they will eventually. I am working on overhauling the dialogue system to be less memory intensive at the moment.


oh, i see. i thought that with the announcement of SC2 that meant this game was finished. Great game nonetheless. I do have one question though. 

I feel like i've completed everything possible but im still missing a large chunk of the CGs.  Am i missing something or is it just not implemented yet? (I've fully completed all 3 areas to explore,  ive met her "mom" and ive unlocked all pearl girls.)

you can actually meet her real mom so youve got a lot to do


How can you download this? I have used several zip and rar file openers including 7zip, and can't get it. 


7zip should be able to open it. What exactly is happening when you try to extract it?


i dont know what the comments are on about, this link doesnt work. I downloaded the file and there was no application in the file to play the game, and when i tried to delete it, it said i needed permission for another desktop??? i wish i could curse here, because this is bull


Did you extract the .rar or did you try to open something from within the compressed file? Winrar or 7zip are the best applications for unzipping .rar files. If the executable isn't in the folder when unzipped, the most likely cause is that your anti-virus deleted it automatically. Antivirus programs sometimes don't like new executables they don't recognize.


When will we have a mobile version?

As always, another interesting update ... following are the new updates that I have catalogued, as well as some continuing glitches:

Updates for Ver. 45

New Girl (Summon): Angie (5 CG)

Bugs in Gallery: Holi CG 3 opens 4 and CG 4 opens 3; Nichole CG for Auditorium Dancer opens Mall Dancer, Missing Mall Dancer CG; Missing Angie CGs in Gallery; Missing Auditorium CG: Jean, Liandra, Dominya, Kat; Missing Mall CG: Olivia, Susan, Karen.

No Convos Yet: Boomer, Darlene, Allison, Kass, Eliza, Silvia, Holi, Miranda, Iris, Angie.

Not in Auditorium Yet: Awake-San, Leanne, Kass, Nanshe, Allison, Larelle, Samantha, Mavre, Darlene, Eliza, Silvia, Holi, Miranda, Iris, Angie. Not in Mall Yet: Awake-San, Leanne, Genma, Jessica, Cassie, Erika, Boomer, Jean, Linadra, Dominya, Kass, Nanshe, Allison, Hypn-Tan, Ms. Rack, Larelle, DH, Xyrene, Kat, Samantha, Mavre, Darlene, Eliza, Silvia, Holi, Miranda, Iris, Angie.


How do I unlock the minigame areas in the City and Countryside? I mean the Angels and Demons minigames and the area with all the videogame references.

I believe you need to complete the previous minigame area before the next one can be unlocked. So completing the Elf Kingdom will unlock the Angels and Demons. The City and Countryside probably need to be at a certain level of influence as well. This is just a guess though, it is hard to tell what needs to be done to unlock certain things in this game.


Central port is glitched for me, every time helen submerges it restarts with her dialogue and have to start from beginning again and cant progress past central port bullet game 

Is the game finished?

As far as I can tell, not even close


hello, I would like some help because I got stuck in a part of the game, in the case of the part where you enter a dungeon and I think you have to lock four girls there until the superiors arrive, something like that, sorry if that's not it, I'm Brazilian and I don't know what could someone help me?

basically you need to stall for time until the leader gets tired of waiting and comes herself. You can lure heroes into the side rooms to stall them, and each time you catch them in a trap, they are stalled for a set period of time then have to start back at the beginning of the dungeon. The main thing to  keep in mind is to avoid letting a hero go past the last point on their path where a trap they are compatible with is available.

(1 edit) (+1)

Is there a way to import from the HTML5 version? Or otherwise mod my game to "catch up"?


Will we ever get a mobile version?

(8 edits)

Helen is bugged. occasionally her outfit locks to default and only resets can fix it but eventually, it just ends up happening again, no matter how many times I reset (and I mean this happens with BOTH kinds of resets; hard & soft). not even shutting down & restarting the game fixes it.

it would also be nice to have the option to ask Helen to hypnotize you instead of having to wait for it, which takes a bit.

other than that though, it's an excellent game. I love the different kinds of hypnosis fetishes explored in this game. it's quite a wide range. well done!

Aiko's 2nd to last event & Joan's 4th to last event's texts are bugged. the text is duplicated & very difficult to make out. Aiko also seems to be displayed a little too low down in the menu compared to the sprites of the other girls.


You're a machine Changer. You've been working on these several games for years pretty much non stop and it shows in how they've developed and improved over time.

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